All problems can be solved.

Posts Tagged ‘America

Belief In Progress

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People expect things to get better over time. They believe in progress. The problem is, they believe that progress is somehow automatic. They think things get better automatically. This is naive, but it is a widespread belief.

So, people sit back and do nothing.

Things change but do NOT get better; things get worse.

Problems do not get solved; issues do not get resolved.

Another example of people getting what they deserve.

Do not be one of these fools, do something.


The facts no one wants to read.

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Written by solutions777

March 3, 2013 at 8:04 pm


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And “by your problem” includes national and international problems.

Those it does exclude problems such as making a blind man see.

Want to save Social Security and Medicare in the United States?  It is not hard.

Want to win the war on poverty, drugs or terrorism?  Step right up.

Want world peace?  Just another little chore.

The list is endless.

And this means permanent solutions.

If it is so easy, why has no one else ever solved these problems?  Simple, lack of maturity or too much evil in the people involved.

Do not delay, why should you or the world suffer?

Tell your friends, tell everyone.



The facts no one wants to read.

Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

August 28, 2012 at 5:13 pm

The Purpose of This Blog

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Why does this blog exist?

The blog is to focus on helping you solve your problems.  Your problems could include big problems like fixing the economy.  If you eliminate one problem in your life, others will easier to deal with … or you will have the assistance you need to fix them. So, here’s what the blog is going to focus on …

Solving your problems.

You might be wondering how this blog is going to solve your problems, so let me tell you …

First, you should know there is no way this blog can solve your problems without your help. That makes sense, doesn’t it? It should, but far too many problem solvers never consider the most important factor … YOU.

So, the first thing is get your input. If this blog were consulting with someone, it never dream of trying to solve your problems without first discovering where they were at. This blog thinks you deserve the same attention and respect, don’t you?

Step One is to open the lines of communication so this blog can give you the right information. This will be taken care of in just a minute.

But, before we go there, think about this for a minute with me …

If you are not living the good lifestyle today … then there must be one of two things going on … A) You do not believe YOU can do it … or B) You are confident you can, you just do not have the right advice yet.


The first thing you need to do:  sign up to follow this blog.


The facts no one wants to read.

Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

January 27, 2012 at 2:51 am


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Both the number and severity of the problems in the world are increasing.

The problems are not being solved.

The problems can be solved, both quickly and simply.

This blog is a source of solutions.

No one is requesting assistance.


Is it because readers think this offer is a joke or scam?

Either way, where is the risk?

SO, tell us how to allow us to help you.

PLEASE respond.

The facts no one wants to read.

Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

December 9, 2011 at 6:14 pm

Causes of Problems in the World

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Both the number and severity of the problems in the world are increasing.

Everybody seems to know this.

This is both good news and bad news.

The good news is that people know that something needs to be done.  The bad news is that people keep relying on government to solve the problems.

The government is the cause for many of the problems that plague the world.  Government does not take the correct corrective action while its actions do additional damage.  Then, there are the countless times when the government should have done something and did not; and then there are the countless times when the government should have done nothing but did something.

The people are also the cause of many problems.  People want things that are in conflict with natural laws which cause unlimited problems.

Are you one of these people?

The facts no one wants to read.

Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

December 9, 2011 at 6:13 pm

Do Not Know What to Do to Change the World and/or Improve Your Life?

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Your personal decisions and actions have the largest effect on your life.  The world may change, but if you adjust your decisions and actions accordingly, what the world does will not matter.  Make intelligent and fair decisions, and your life will improve.

At times, your decision and action will improve your life while at the same time changing the world.

If more and more people do this, they can change the world for the better.


Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

November 22, 2011 at 6:47 pm

The Global Economy

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The Global Economy is a big problem.  It is in a recession headed for a depression.  Every nation has economic problems:  high unemployment, governmental budget issues, rising prices, etc.

Everyone is playing the blame game.  Governments are playing public relations on what they are going to do to create jobs and solve the economic problems.  The governments are going to continue to be unsuccessful.  Everyone is getting the economy they deserve instead of the economy they want.

The global economy needs to be re-structured.


Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

October 18, 2011 at 7:07 pm


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Action is necessary to solve a problem.

A solution that is not-implemented, is no better than not having a solution.

But non-action or doing nothing is also important.  Doing nothing, absolutely nothing, is much better than doing something that will not work, something that is totally stupid, and might cause more harm.

Also doing something gives the impression that the problem is solved.  Later, everybody finds out that the solutions did not work.  Time and resources were wasted.

People like action.  They want something to be done, anything.  They have short attention spans and get impatient quickly and very easily.

They lack maturity.  They are simple minded dolts.


Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

October 18, 2011 at 7:03 pm

Saving The Economy

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Some are starting to believe that the U.S., like Europe, is socially and economically beyond repair.  Yet, the answer from some is always the same — take more money from businesses and the rich.

The problem is that there soon will be no wealth to redistribute.  Sure, progressive politicians can keep the redistribution vote-buying scam going for awhile longer, but, ultimately, a Greek ending is unavoidable.  And when that happens, rioting in the U.S. will be much more violent than in Greece, because people have gotten used to a considerably higher standard of living than people in Greece and the rest of Europe.

The American way of life is on the road to doom.

People find this hard to believe, even with the continuing flood of bad economic news.


It does not affect them, yet.

It has always turned around before.

The shrinking economy is happening a rate that is not visibly notable.

They believe the government will solve the problem in time.

Some will not believe what is happening, no matter what.

The economy CAN be saved.

Will it be saved?


Anybody ready to ask for help yet?


Comments and referrals to this blog would be greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

October 7, 2011 at 3:42 pm


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Please help.

Would someone please help us?  Help is desperately needed by the writers of this blog.

With the world falling into utter chaos, it should be easy to get readers for this blog, with lots and lots of comments and questions.  Quite the opposite is true.

After over three months, the blog has only gotten 151 hits and 2 comments.

More posts may help, but more needs to be done.  But what?

So:  HELP!   HELP!   HELP!

Please help.  Anyone?

Will keep trying, more posts and keep looking for other solutions.


Comments and referrals to this blog are greatly appreciated.

Written by solutions777

October 4, 2011 at 1:34 pm