All problems can be solved.

Archive for June 2011

Why do Problems go unsolved?

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There are two basic reasons; unwillingness to admit that a problem exists and the inability or unwillingness to find someone to solve the problem.

The unwillingness parts are the individual(s) or entity’s lack of character in refusing to admit they are WRONG and need help.

If goals are not being met, there is a problem.  If results are not being achieved, there is a problem.  If a crisis is not resolved, there is a problem.

If the economy continues to go down, there is a problem.  If there is always war, there is a problem.  If a business is not realizing its full potential, there is a problem.

If your health is bad, you are poor, your children are not getting a good education, things are going wrong, there is a problem.

But the real problem is not admitting that help is needed.

Admitting you need help is the first step.

The second step is finding the necessary help.


Written by solutions777

June 30, 2011 at 4:50 pm


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There are an unlimited number of problems in the world.  They may be called issues, situations, difficulties, conflicts or any other name, but they are still problems.

Problems are things that need a solution.

Problems can be big/small, important/trivial, hard/easy, complex/simple, but they are all still problems.


Written by solutions777

June 26, 2011 at 6:38 pm

Posted in BACKGROUND, Definitons

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