All problems can be solved.

Posts Tagged ‘Answers

Problems/Issues Not Getting Solved/Resolved

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Problems/issues that have existed for decades are because of two things:

—  stupid solutions

—  lack of effort

That simple.

Want to solve/resolve a problem/issue:

—  find the right solution

—  get a good problem solver; they are very few of them

—  follow the directions of the problem solver

—  make a continued persistent effort

The bigger the issue/problem, the better solution needed, the necessity of a higher quality problems solver.

One last little thing.




The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Everybody Wants an Easy Fix

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People are addicted to easy fixes.

This is a huge character flaw.

Yes, there are times when an easy fix will work.

But there are few easy fixes for major problems/issues.

If there was, all the issues/problems would have been resolved/solved a long time ago.

Boom!  Another one taken care of.

The world is awash in troubles.

Long standing troubles.

Look at any problem/issue; how long has it existed.

Rogue states for example; since the beginning of time.

The biggest problem?

Man refuses to accept he is highly flawed and work on self-improvement.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

August 1, 2017 at 9:57 pm

Changing/Improving the World

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People think that the only way is through the government.

Or may be a non-profit.

There is another better way, individual/personal action.

Individual/personal action can be used to improve your life and/or change the world.

The only obstacle is people have to be personally involved.

They have to do the work.

Instead, these characterless fools sit around waiting for someone else to do it.

And whine continuously.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

July 29, 2017 at 9:09 pm

#Problems — There Are Always Solutions

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Yes, there are always solutions.

It is really sad that people just accept the status quo.

Even when it means their quality of life is deteriorating.

But they never do anything.


—  whine

—  blame business and the rich(which are not the cause)

—  blame the republican party(the democratic party has a greater responsibility for their low quality lives)

And each year their inaction costs them more money, worse health, more stress, and less dignity.

Nothing beats action. The greatest plan in the world is worthless without the will to act.

And that starts with cultivating the right action-based mindset: No politician is going to ride in on a white horse to engineer heaven on earth for all.

You are responsible for solving your own problems and improving your own lives.

So many lessons and so little willingness to learn.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

July 19, 2017 at 7:44 pm

Cause of All Problems

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Stupidity and/or Evil.

Aided and abetted by ignoring facts and fuzzy thinking.

Simple as ABC!

Fix stupid.

Destroy evil.

Learn the facts and remember them.

Work on analyzing and quit believing in a fictional world.

Stop feeling you are the center of the universe.

Strive for maturity.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Smartest Man of All Time

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A hypothesis:

The most intelligent person of all time; past, present and future; was available to guide the world, nations, or even individuals.

He would know how to bring about world peace, prosperity, a clean environment; in other words, heaven on earth.

Would anyone seek his counsel?

Would anyone follow his advice?

Of course not.

Why not?

Man is a flawed creation.

Man has too many character flaws:

—  inflated ego

—  false pride

—  too much self-importance

—  a willingness to cheat

—  and more

Humanity is on the down slope.

It has peaked.

Technology will continue to increase; most of it is unnecessary.

New technologies will not increase the quality of life.

The world desperately needs intelligent management.

Instead, it  has political hacks and fools who would not follow the most intelligent of individuals.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

May 2, 2017 at 9:34 pm

Stop Relying on Government

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Every time there is an issue/problem, everyone screams for the government to do something.

And no one can agree on what the government should do.

Then, they are never happy about whatever the government does.


The government is never going to solve/resolve a problem/issue.

By definition, government is incompetent and corrupt.

All government employees have few skills and focuses on getting the most out of the public trough.

Government is a problem.

Not a source of solutions/answers.

Those who rely on government are not only fools but evil.

There is a better way.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

April 28, 2017 at 8:24 pm

Do Not Identify Problems

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People do not identify problems.

Either in their personal lives or the world at large.

They lack the ability and/or refuse to do so.

Anything they do not like they call a problem/issue.

Their solutions are something they like.

Otherwise, to them everything is good as it is.

And then they wake-up and wonder why their life and the world are disasters.

Humans are so stupid.

Problems/issues not identified never get solved/resolved.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

March 18, 2017 at 6:05 pm

Is This Your Life?

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You wake up.  For one brief moment, after you rub the sleepiness from your eyes, you smile at the thought of a new day.

But then reality hits you.  Your mind jumps from worry to worry.  There are bills to pay, deadlines to meet, and conflicts to solve.  Suddenly, you feel like the day has already spun out of control, even though you haven’t climbed out of bed yet.

Ten minutes later (you hit the snooze button), you start a battle against the clock that you never seem to win.  The race won’t end until you slump into bed (forty-five minutes later than planned, of course) that night.

After you get up, you start going through the motions: get in the car, you endure the commute that gnaws at your soul, then you get to work and try to tackle the most important matters. But time vampires and busy work consume your day.

Fueled by caffeine you make it to lunch, where things only get worse as you inhale a meal of sugar, salt and fat at your desk.

Time seems to simultaneously speed up and slow down each afternoon.  Your co-worker’s problems comically become your three-alarm emergencies while irrelevant meetings drag on forever. Time literally seems to stall when you check the clock in anticipation of returning to the sanctuary of your home.

Doesn’t it seem like there just isn’t enough of anything in your day?  Time. Money. Energy. Love.

Frustration weighs on you.  It gets worse as the day goes on and piles up during the week.  Even your beloved weekends barely give you reprieve.  Instead, you struggle to use your time off to catch up menial errands as you try to keep your head above water.

Is this your life?

It wasn’t supposed to be like this, was it?

We plan. God laughs.

We all start out young and hopeful, but who among us has really achieved their dreams?

Why do people fail?

Why do people get distracted?

Why do people get off track?



But there is hope.

The good news is our blogs CAN help.

Politicians and the government will continue to make it worse and provide no relief.

Your choice.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

January 16, 2017 at 8:27 pm

Money and Problems

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Money causes problems.

Money can solve problems.

Organizations have a problem.

So, they throw money at it; especially government.

Organization pretends the problem is solved.

Solution is deemed to cost too much.

Organization cuts costs.

More problems.

Cycle repeats.



The facts no one wants to read.

If the facts make you mad, it could be the truth hurts.

Written by solutions777

January 11, 2017 at 7:54 pm